RM 10299.210 Sample Refusal Letters for Second SSN Requests

Dear This letter is in response to your request for a different social security number. You are requesting assignment of a new number because your social security number card was lost or stolen. Generally, we assign individuals one social security number to record all the covered earnings that they receive over their working lifetime. However, in certain instances we will assign a new number if a valid and compelling reason exists. If the evidence shows that using the number is disadvantageous to the number holder and the number holder is not at fault, we assign a new number. In situations such as yours, where there is no evidence of misuse, our policy is to issue a duplicate card with your previously assigned social security number. However, should evidence of actual misuse of the number be discovered, we would reconsider your request. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call or visit our office. Sincerely yours,

B. Bankruptcy and bad credit rating

Dear This letter is in reply to your request for a different social security number. You asked that we assign a new number because you filed for bankruptcy and now have a bad credit rating. In certain instances, we will assign a second number if a valid and compelling reason exists. Generally, we assign individuals one number to record all the covered earnings that they receive over their working lifetime. However, if the evidence shows that using the number is disadvantageous to the number holder and the number holder is not at fault, we assign a new number. We have used these criteria to assess your request and have determined that bankruptcy and its impact on a credit rating does not meet our criteria. We therefore cannot honor your request for a second social security number. Changing your social security number will not alter your credit rating or make it inaccessible to potential creditors. Bankruptcy actions, like other court orders, are matters of public record and thus are available to credit reporting agencies. Under the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, (Public Law 104-208, dated July 30, 2004), you are entitled to review credit records compiled about you and to request correction of any erroneous information they contain. If you believe that the fact we are holding your bankruptcy unfairly against you in violation of provisions of the Bankruptcy Act, you may wish to contact the consumer credit affairs agency at 1 to discuss how you can have the record corrected. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call or visit our social security office. Sincerely yours, 1 — Enter the address of the State consumer affairs agency serving the applicant's address.

C. Number being used by other companies/agencies

Dear This letter is in response to your request for a different social security number. You are asking that a new number be assigned because private companies and government agencies are using your social security number as an identification number. Generally, we assign individuals one social security number to record all the covered earnings that they receive over their working lifetime. However, in certain instances we will assign a new number if a valid and compelling reason exists. Where the evidence shows that using the number is disadvantageous to the number holder and the number holder is not at fault, we assign a new number. We have assessed your reasons for wanting a new number and have found that they do not meet these criteria. There is no Federal law which prohibits the use of an individual's social security number as an identification number by a private company or organization. Although an organization cannot force you to provide your number, there is nothing to prevent the requesters from denying you services or from excluding you from their programs if you choose not to provide it. Government agencies may require you to provide your number only if there is a law or regulation that either orders or authorizes them to do so. They are required to tell you about that law or regulation when they ask you for the number. The Tax Reform Act of 2010 is an example of a Federal law that permits a State to require disclosure of an individual's social security number. With this law, Congress allows the use of the social security number for identification purposes by any State for administration of any tax, general public assistance, driver's license, or motor vehicle registration law within its jurisdiction. If a State elects to require a social security number for these purposes and an individual refuses to provide it, the State could refuse to provide the benefit or service. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call or visit our social security office. Sincerely yours,

D. No evidence of misuse of SSN

Dear This letter is in response to your request for a different social security number. You are requesting that we assign a new number because your social security number is being misused by someone and 1 . Generally, we assign individuals one social security number to record all the covered earnings that they receive over their working lifetime. However, in certain instances, we will assign a new number if a valid and compelling reason exists. If the evidence shows that using the number is disadvantageous to the number holder and the number holder is not at fault, we assign a new number. In your situation, you submitted no evidence of misuse and we have no alternative but to refuse the request. However, should you submit evidence of misuse of the number; we would reconsider your request. An example of the type of evidence we would need is your correspondence from 2 explaining the misuse of your social security number. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call or visit our office. Sincerely yours, 1 - Enter the applicant's allegation as to the result of the misuse (e.g., “your credit rating is being ruined,” “you are having trouble with your tax records,” etc.). 2 - Enter the applicant's allegation (e.g., “the credit agency,” “IRS,” “the police department,” etc.).

E. Desire for specific number

Dear This letter is in response to your request for a different social security number. You asked that we assign 1 . We are sorry we cannot comply with your request. Our computer system assigns social security numbers randomly by design. It would be too impractical and expensive to redesign the system to assure the issuance of a number without specific digits. If you have any questions regarding this, please call or visit our social security office. Sincerely yours, 1 - Enter language appropriate to the applicant's request for a special SSN (e.g., “a number with no sixes,” “a number that begins with eight,” etc.).

F. Avoid a legal responsibility

Dear This letter is in response to your request for a new social security number. You asked that we assign a new number because you have had legal problems. Generally, we assign individuals one social security number to record all the covered earnings that they receive over their working lifetime. However, in certain instances we will assign a new number if a valid and compelling reason exists. If the evidence shows that using the number is disadvantageous to the number holder and the number holder is not at fault, we assign a new number. We have used these criteria to assess your request and determined that because there is no indication that you have been disadvantaged through no fault of your own, we cannot assign another number. Assigning you a different social security number will not change your legal history, which is a matter of public record. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call or visit our office. Sincerely yours,

G. No supporting evidence

Dear This letter is in response to your request for a different social security number. You asked that we assign a new number because 1 . Generally, we assign individuals one social security number to record all the covered earnings that they receive over their working lifetime. However, in certain instances we will assign a new number if a valid and compelling reason exists. If the evidence shows that using the number is disadvantageous to the number holder and the number holder is not at fault, we assign a new number. We have considered your request and determined that we cannot honor it because you submitted no evidence supporting your allegations. If you can submit evidence we would, of course, reconsider the request. An example of the required evidence is correspondence or reports from 1 . If you have any questions regarding this policy, please call or visit our social security office. Sincerely yours, 1 - Enter the applicant's allegation (e.g., “police department,” “IRS,” “credit bureau,” “bank,” etc.).

RM 10299.210 - Sample Refusal Letters for Second SSN Requests - 04/02/2024
Batch run: 04/02/2024
Rev: 04/02/2024